And instead of sleeping, Meghan is hosting a dance party in our living room. Who said we are not cool?
Of course she stopped as soon as I turned on the lights so I could get some video. But here are the still shots.
Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year's Eve: 9:45 PM
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Christmas 2007
We finally got our tree up on the Friday before Christmas.

The tree (duh).
The stockings were hung with care.
Even the cat got one.
Sean awake at 5AM.
Put down the camera and feed me.
Sean began investigating while we waited for Meghan.

Will someone please go and wake up my sister?
Meghan finally woke up and immediately dug in.
The Santa hat was a must.
The doll house was a hit with both of them.
Sean had a wardrobe change halfway through the morning.
I'm cute and I know it.
Meghan and I made a gingerbread house.
The End. See you next year.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Exhale: Pre-Christmas Recap

We made cookies.

Decorated the tree.

Made snow angels.
And Frosty.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
What? Winter Has Not Started Yet?
- Shopping - Um, still not done. I was online shopping earlier this week and any store that would guarantee 12/24 delivery. Now we still need to stop at a few stores and hit the mall.
- Decorating - I started. Artifical tree is still in a box in the living room.. i am hoping to get that up today.
- Performance reviews - Almost done. I delivered 3. Have one to deliver today. And one more to tweak for delivery tomorrow.
- Cookies - Done. :-)
- Christmas cards - Done!
So I feel like I have not stopped doing stuff all week. But nothing really looks done. And I am running out of clean clothes. i don't think my outfit matches today. Oh well.
Now I need to run out in the snow for a appointment and some shopping. I hate driving in the snow.
Backyard view
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Storms are a'comin'
Our weather forcasters are all in a tizzy about two significant winters storms headed our way (read: lotsa snow). Great. Of course, these hacks experts are not always right. All I know is that this is just another thing screwing with everything else that needs to get done before Christmas.
Just a sampling:
- Shopping - So I started off great this year. Then things came to a screaching halt after some credit fraud (one way to get me to slow down online). Now I am behind.
- Decorating - We have not even retrieved the boxes down from the attic. Our Halloween pumpkin is still on the front step (it has become a meal for some sort of wildlife). Now, the snow means no lights on the house this year. Perhaps we can throw out a few net lights if we can find the bushes.
- Performance reviews - Work related but still needs to get done. The snow means we will probably have to leave work early tomorrow. So I will have less time to finish and deliver them.
- Cookies - This hopefully will get done. I bought the ingredients today. I hope I remembered everything.
- Christmas cards - I have them. I also have the blank labels. I think I need stamps. I definitely need to update my address list.
Oh, and our oil heater stopped working today. Its getting cold in here. The service guy just finished up so hopefully it will start warming up soon.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Ahh.. Christmas Presents
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sean: Nine Month Stats
Sean had his nine month check-up last week. I was really curious to see how much he weighs because he looks like he is chunking up (and that carrier was getting really heavy).
Weight: 17lbs 8oz
Height: 28 inches
I also asked about our milk formula issues and we are going to stick with soy for now. We will try a little bit a yogurt in a few weeks and see how that goes. But we need to take everything that may be milk based slowly. If he still reacts poorly we will go to an allergist.
Sean graduated out of the baby carrier into a convertible car seat this weekend. We also put his crib mattress down further as the little guy is starting to pull himself up. Plus he looks like he is getting teeth (finally). Four look like they are coming at once, poor little guy.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Hee Hee (or perhaps Ho Ho)
Okay, this just cracks me up.
(Time suckage inspiration discovered over at A Mommy Story.)
But Everything I Cook Has Cheese In It
I think we may have a milk allergy.
Both Meghan and Sean were on soy formula almost from day one. When Meghan was somewhere between 6-9 month we made the switch to regular milk-based formula. No problems at all. We have been trying to do the same thing with Sean. It has not been going very well.
After a failed attempt to move him off soy a few months ago we tried again yesterday. His bottle had 6 ounces of soy formula and 1 ounce of regular. He drank 1 ounce and immediately started puking. Everywhere. Projectile. Messy.
That is pretty much his reaction every time we tried. So, I have lotsa questions for his doctor on Friday. What does this mean? Does he need to move to soy milk at some point. Is everything with dairy off limits? Pudding? Yogurt? Mashed potatoes? Cheese? This may make the move to some solid foods more difficult. Meghan just about lived on mac & cheese when she was one. I'll need to learn to cook without cheese and milk. Is that even possible?
Monday, December 03, 2007
And He's Off!
Now the fun begins.
Sean just started crawling this past week. We've started getting the gates out again. This time it is much more difficult as our floor is a mine field of small choking hazards thanks to Meghan's toys. Poor little guy may be forced to spend much of his time in the pack and play.
At least now we can usually tell when he is on the move because he giggles.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
We have a runner. Meghan will take any chance to bolt away. Drives me bonkers.
She ran from me last night when I picked her up. Before I got Sean in the car. And once she starts, she keeps on going. So there I was trying to chase her while holding the baby in his carrier.
Let me tell you, that girl can run fast. I could not catch up with her. So I stopped, told her I was leaving her and started walking back to the car. That's when I heard "I'm coming momma!"
Ugh, I think we need a leash. Or I need a third arm so I can hold her hand, Sean and open the car door at the same time. I'm guessing the leash is easier to come by.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Meghan's Gallery

"Mommy" by Meghan
Thursday, November 08, 2007
We always try to remember to bring the iPod along for long car rides. Traveling from state to state made it difficult to find a good station. You have to constantly scan the available stations to find a song. And by the time you get there, the song is just about over and a commercial starts. Not to mention looking at the radio just brings me closer to the inevitable car sickness.
I also used to bring the iPod along for my commute to work. Although it was never really used in the morning, I would listen on the ride home. Sometimes songs, sometimes podcasts (are podcasts still cool? were they ever?) but it kept me happy and eliminated to need to do the constant station scan for a song that did not drive me batty.
Yesterday, I remember to grab the iPod and bring it along to work. I should have done this weeks ago. It made the ride home much more tolerable. I have a playlist called "Favorites" with about 900 songs. Set the ipod to shuffle and headed home. Here is what I got to listen to:
- "Forever Young" - Alphaville (3:46)
- "Ordinary Day" - Vanessa Carlton (3:58)
- "Here 's Where the Story Ends" - The Sundays (3:55)
- "The Boys of Summer" - Don Henley (4:50)
- "Carnival" - Natalie Merchant (5:59)
- "Hip Hop Hooray" - Naughty By Nature (4:23)
- "If You Leave" - OMD (4:30)
- "Boogie Shoes" - KC & the Sunshine Band (2:17)
- "That's The Way I Like It" - KC & the Sunshine Band (5:08)
[Yes, two KC & the Sunshine Band songs in a row*. Gotta love the iPod shuffle feature. Random.]
- "Bring Me to Life" - Evanescence (3:57)
- "Where'd You Go" - Fort Minor (3:51)
- "I Alone" - Live (3:51)
- "So What'cha Want" - Beastie Boys (3:37)
- "A Day Without Rain" - Enya (2:38)
- "Standing Still" - Jewel (4:30)
- "Temperature" - Sean Paul (3:36)
- "St. Elmos Fire (Man In Motion)" - John Parr (4:08)
What does this say about me? Well, I can think of two things. One, I have an odd collection of songs that are classified as "Favorites" (and this is just a small sampling, it gets more bizarre). And, two, I have a long commute home (almost 1 hour and 10 minutes). But, I think I'll try and keep the iPod in the car and maybe add a few new songs to the rotation.
*I only have 2 KC & the Sunshine Band songs on my iPod. Trust me.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Meghan's Night-Night Time Procrastination Techniques
Here is just a sampling of every night in our house:
- I not tired
- I need water (or Water's empty, Momma)
- I need kisses, Momma
- I need Daddy kisses
- I need all the kisses
- I need big hugs
- Bunny needs kisses
- I need to give Sean kisses
- I need an animal. (Which one? Hmm, which one? This one, or this one? Hmm...)
- I need to go potty
- I go pee pee in my diaper.
- I need my blankie
- Bunny needs blankie
- I need to read a book
- Momma read it
- My pillow fell down
- I need the light on
- I need the light off
- I can't close the door
- I need to sleep in Momma's bed
- I need to watch baseball (football) with Daddy
- Madison is in my room
- I can't find Bunny (or Bunny's hiding)
- (Crying with her jammies unzipped which we take to mean she is uncomfortable and needs to be changed)
Monday, November 05, 2007
Snot Rag
I remember when I used to love this time of year. This time change made it acceptable to stay in bed that extra hour. I love my sleep. However, I have not really been able to enjoy that extra hour for oh, I don't know, a few years now.
This year I did not have high hopes for the extra hour of sleep. With both Meghan and Sean refusing to sleep late on weekends (I don't understand why they insist on waking earlier than the weekdays) I knew I would be getting up the usual time (meaning really an hour earlier by the clock). What I was not expecting was Sean to be sick. He woke up about 1 AM-ish screaming. And continued to do so all night. The only way he stopped was if you were holding him standing up or sitting straight up. I spent the night sitting up in a chair. So this year, instead of an extra hour sleep, we had an extra hour of misery.
I spend the weekend exhausted with dried snot on my sholder. I can never seem to get his nose wiped in time. I just gave up at one point and accepted that I was his snot rag.
It's only Monday and I already cannot wait until the weekend. I plan to take a nap. We'll see if that actually happens....
Saturday, November 03, 2007
The Return of "Housewives"
Tuesday November 6th marks the return of "The Real Housewives of Orange County".
Real Housewives is one of my guilty pleasures. I love this show. If you have not had the pleasure of following the housewives before I recommend you start to tune in. This season the uber-annoying Jo is not a part of the cast and they have some fresh blood. (Honestly, I don't know why she was there to begin with. No matter how loosely you shake up the definition of housewife she did not fit.)
My TiVo season pass has been scheduled and I am looking forward to a season of drama and excess.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Another Halloween Picture Post
Halloween is over. Whew!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween from Peter Pan and Tinkerbell!
We dressed up before heading out to daycare today. Meghan is excited about trick-or-treats and getting CANDY!!
I had Meghan watch Peter Pan this past weekend to help her appreciate her Halloween costume. And, as we were in the car today, Meghan actually said "I can't want to grow up".
That's okay by me.

Monday, October 29, 2007
Still Alive
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Please, Take My Money and Send Me My Clothes!
I have been trying for over 30 minutes to give Banana Republic a very generous sale.
First I went through and pick out my wants and added them to the shopping bag. easy.
Then I went to checkout and was required to login. No problem.
Wait. Problem. After logging in my Shopping Bag was empty. GRRRRR.
Okay, fine. Go back and try to remember what I wanted. Add to cart again.
Check out.......
Banana Republic Online is currently experiencing technical difficulties.
First of all, nice error. ohNo???? Wonderful programming there.
Now I keep hitting the back button and trying again, and again. I would just give up but I need clothes. And who knows when I will actually make it to the mall.
Off to try again.
Monday, October 08, 2007
"Organized" Sports
Saturday was Meghan's first official day of soccer. I was not quite sure how she would react. Possibilities included:
- Stand still and let kids play around her.
- Cry whenever someone took a ball from her.
- Refuse to participate and insist on playing in playground.
- All of the above.
She actually did much better than I thought. She was tentative at first but then did follow the herd for about 15-20% of the time. The coaches were great at trying to get her to participate. She kicked the ball a few times and played "red light, green light". There was one incident where she ran. Ran like the wind. One poor coach was trying to catch her but kept looking back for help. Ryan had to intercept her on the baseball field. At one point, while the other kids were playing around with the soccer balls, Meghan was doing some sort of dance that involved patting her knees and clapping her hands. And towards the end of the hour she decided she would rather play with the leaves.
There were only two crying episode. The first was when she collided with a larger girl and lost her shoe. The second was when a kid kicked the ball into her back. But she recovered quickly from both. Not bad for a 3 year old who did not nap.
We have to keep reminding her that she was playing soccer and not "baseballs".
I asked her if she wants to go back next week.
She said "Yeah! And we pway whif da weaves, Momma?!?"
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
40 or so hours left to go.
I am hopelessly behind on my TV watching*. TiVo has been working like crazy to capture all of our must see shows but we have no time to watch anything. I've updated my "Currently Watching" over there to the left to list what I am actually watching. Notice that there are still some summer programs yet to be removed. TiVo has been holding them for me. Patiently waiting for me to get around to viewing them. There are also some shows completely missing from that list because I have not yet viewed the season premiere. Favorite returning shows like Heroes, new ones like Reaper that I am told I must see.
Why so behind? Probably because our oldest child has decided that sleep is no longer required. She is still awake past 9PM and is waking up at the butt-crack-of-dawn. Today....4:45. That is 4:45AM people. I don't do 4:45AM unless it is to make a plane that is taking me someplace tropical** or I happen to still be up from the night before (which really has not been the case for at least 10 years now).
So, if I do not leave the house all weekend you will know why. Because, you know, this TV stuff has to made a priority.
*Not to mention the 3 Netflix movies that have been sitting by the TV for, oh, I don't know, 3 months?
** Which, by the way, we booked our winter vacation to Turks & Caicos. Is it February yet?
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Celebration: The Recap
Party 1:
Meghan started off the party with some tea.

Then it was time to eat.

She was ready to sing Happy Birthday.
Sean was having a blast.
And then she passed out watching Yo Gabba Gabba.
Party 2:
This was a more intimate affair. But still with all the required Birthday elements.

(Meghan got tired of waiting for Daddy to come back inside)

Party Dresses:

Whew. Now we have like 5 months before our next big birthday bash. Good. Because I need a nap.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Happy Birthday Meghan
Meghan turns 3 today. I cannot believe she is 3 years old.
We had a big birthday bash for her on Saturday. Lotsa balloon, lotsa, cake, lotsa kids. Big Mess. Very exhausting. That is why I have not posted. That is also why I have not even uploaded the party pictures.
Party recap post coming soon.
Until then, Happy Birthday Princess!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Two Little Angels
Yes, yes, they are both adorable. But you cannot completely comprehend the destruction that my little ones can cause unless you experience it first-hand.
As I mentioned yesterday, today was my day to work from home. The morning was pretty successful. Although we did wake up to this:
That's right, it's the shade in Meghan's room.
Anyway, everyone was dressed, fed, dishes done, laundry started, and I even got some work done before 9AM. I'd say that's pretty darn good. And I am so grateful that I stayed home today. Ryan did not get to work until 9Am. And he left just before 7AM. For those of you who are too lazy to do the math, that is a 2-hour commute. If I had that commute (which I would have had I gone into work) I am pretty sure my first action of the day would be to quit my job.
How did the meeting go? Wonderfully, thanks for asking. The first 15 minutes had me worried. Meghan could not find Bunny, then, once found, I was told repeatedly that bunny was cute. Sean was practicing his paci removal and re-insertion technique and kept dropping the thing out of the swing. But, after 15 silence.
(For those of you wondering about the Leapster, LeapFrog support did respond this afternoon saying I should clean the battery connectors with an eraser and some other obviously useless nonsense. But, just to say I told them so, I will follow their instructions and respond back with a "still broken" email.)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Electronic Babysitter

Saturday, September 22, 2007
We Are Still Here