Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's 4PM. Do you know where your dishwasher is?

Because I have no idea where mine is. Our delivery time frame was between noon and 4PM. And here I am, waiting, yet again. I really don't understand why this is so difficult. And why can't I, just once, be at the beginning of their delivery time frame. Someone has to be right? If I knew this was going to happen again I could have gone shopping. Or napped.

I never even mentioned the useless people we had to deal with trying to switch to a dishwasher that would fit. Or how no one could seem to get the new delivery time correct. Or how after being told it would be delivered on Wednesday we got a message while we were out on Saturday saying there were here.

Let's just hope that this one fits. I have a sink full of bottles that I do not want to wash by hand.