Monday, November 16, 2009

It’s Buzz!


Sean has a pair of Buzz Lightyear pajamas.  He runs around the house saying “Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!”  He just about jumped out of his seat when Buzz appeared on stage at the Disney Live show.

We took the kids to the show last weekend.  I almost forgot we had tickets.  You can’t really blame me.  I think I bought them in May.  But the seats were great, 3rd row.  And the show kept the kids attention the entire time. 

Bonus?  We managed to get out of there without buying either one the $20 spinning, glowing, weapon of death. (I always seem to get bonked in the head with those things.)

Pictures?  Ok, here you go.  And considering this post is about week late I’m going to just throw them up here.  No photo tweaking involved.


1 Comment:

Evan and Lauren's Cool Blog said...

We just went too:
Good show. Lauren loved Cinderella and got very excited when she came out. Very interesting that your Cinderella was different than ours. Everyone else looks the same.